Bham Bham Peetam
Many great peers and saints took birth in this sacred land and through their deep meditation, self-realisation, disclosed many spiritual facts and truths to the world. Sri ChippagiriSwamy, is one among such greatest saints in this Country.
Sri SriSri Syed SulthanMohiddinKhadri, of Chippagiri, AlurTaluk, Kurnool District (Rayalaseema) was born in 1833, popularly known as “CHIPPAGIRI BHAM BHAM SWAMY”. He was the founder of “BHAM-BHAM PEETAM.”
Though, Swamiji had no formal education, he could speak fluently in Telugu, Kannada and Urdu languages. He was wearing strange clothes, sacred thread, Lingam, Vibhudi, Kumkum. While practicing RAJA YOGA he toured extensively on his mission of Dharmapracharam. He was always uttering the words ‘BHAM-BHAM’. Shaiva Brahman Guru of Northern India might have initiated Sri ChippagiriSwamy. Countless Hindus and other religions have become disciples of ChippagiriSwamy. Sri Swamiji had shown a revolutionary new path of spiritual universality, and worked for the development of communal harmony. Sri Swamiji had achieved ASTA SIDDIS. Sri ChippagiriSwamy entered into Jeevasamithi in the year 1911 in the presence of number of devotees and villagers at Chippagiri, near Guntakal.
The prophets of “BHAM-BHAM PEETAM’ did not find any new religion. The main object of the Peetam is Universal Religion and different religions are necessary to suit different minds at varying levels of evolution. The primary object of all religions is to cure man of his follies and to make him a real human being. The prophets of the Peetam have not only preached religion, but also practised religion following the principle of APARIGRAHA VRATHAM.
Founder of Bham Bham Peetam
1st Successor of Bham Bham Peetam-
Bham Shaik Abdul Swamy

Sri Sri Sri Shaik Abdul WahebSwamy, was born on the gracious blessings of Sri ChippagiriSwamy to Sri AlliSaheb and Rajbheeyamma, residents of Adoni, on a lunar eclipse day. He was popularly known as RayadurgamSwamy. He was the second pontiff of Bham-BhamPeetam. In the childhood of RayadurgamSwamy did not respond to his parents and village headmen. He was used to do some unreasonable pranks. So, the parents of Swamiji left him near ChippagiriSwamy as promised by them earlier. RayadurgamSwamy use to serve ChippagiriSwamy with most sincerely, obediently and with good faith. After some time, when Swamiji was aged about 14 years, Sri ChippagiriSwamy called Swamiji and directed to get a bottle of Toddy for purpose of drinking. But, Swamiji expressed unwillingness to bring Toddy, as it emanates bad smell and broke the bottle into pieces. Sri ChippagiriSwamy convinced Swamiji to get Toddy , made the pieces intoa bottle again. Then ChippagiriSwamy drunk the Toddy and vomited the same into the palm hands of Swamiji with instructions to drink the same without any hesitation. Sri Swamiji drunk the same immediately as “MahaPrasadam”. Thus Swamiji was blessed by his Guru with the divine powers. There afterRayadurgamSwamiji followed the foot-steps of his Guruji, practised RAJA YOGA, visited several placespreached his disciples, blessed them through Bhajans and Guru poojas, relieved from their problems and led them in the path of DHARMA. Sri RayadurgamSwamiji is self-realised and MAHA SIDDIPURUSHA.
2nd Successor of Bham Bham Peetam-
Baba Anwarananda

Sri Anwar Baba, the youngest among the three brothers, was born on 15th October, 1948 on the day of lunar eclipse at Rayadurgam of Anantapur District, as predicted by Sri RayadurgamSwamy. Sri Baba was barely 14 years old, he was saddled with the task of Peetadhipathi of BHAM BHAM PEETAM. On MahasivaRathri day ie., on 1st March, 1965 Sri RayadurgamSwamy addressed a large gathering of disciples, devotees and family members and informed them that he would announce the name of his successor on that day. Then came the momentous announcement that Sri ANWAR BABA would be the Peetadhipathi of Bham-BhamPeetam. This decision was welcomed by all with a thunderous applause. Later Sri Anwar Baba, who was sleeping somewhere was brought and after a ritual bath, Sri RayadurgamSwamy took off his garland and gave his whole hearted blessings to Sri Baba by garlanding. Sri RayadurgamSwamy advised his disciples and devotees to serve Sri Baba with the same love, affection and reverence with which they all served him so long.
Sri Anwar Baba, a philosophy postgraduate, with the blessings of his Guru self-realised soul strictly practicing the APARIGRAHA VRATHA.Sri Baba established Sarva Dharma Ashrama in the midst of river Cauvery, near Belagola, a picturesque island, fulfilling the blessed oath of his Paramaguru Sri ChippagiriSwamy.Sri Anwar Baba, in the year 1990 deposited all his spiritual energy in JYOTHI KATTA (Divine Light).Many devotees and disciples are getting blessings for their worldly problems and desires by having JyothiKattadarshan.He also advised the devotees and disciples to practise ‘NISH KAMA KARMA’ to perform their duty without desire for the fruits of one’s actions. Sri Baba had also suggested to follow ‘SADHANA CHETHUSTAYAM’, Meditation, Deeksha, cultivation of noble qualities etc., and reach the goal of self-realisation. (Sri Baba is the third pontiff of Sri Bham-BhamPeetam).